I'm currently hate-eating these
These chips came with a lot of promise - beautiful packaging with an interesting name "Michigan Cherry BBQ Potato Chips", and I bought a Costco-sized package a couple days back. Cut to today, when I excitedly opened the chips to go with my lunch. First bite was not so splendid. Okay, let's try again. Maybe the flavor grows. Second bite? Not any better. Not any real hint of BBQ flavor the way I've had in the past, and it's really, really sweet. Good crunch though, bravo on the kettle process. Maybe I just don't like your cherries? Cherry capital of the world? Dang. So that leaves me not wanting to waste food, but with a Costco-sized bag of these kinda gross chips. Thus the hate-eating. I'm gonna have to run a few more miles the next few days to work this off.
Reviewed by Nikhil on Jan. 3, 2020, 2:10 p.m. | Permalink
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