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Great Lakes Potato Chip Company cranks out value-added spuds
Great Lakes Potato Chip and Big Brothers Big Sisters Working Together to Stop the Circle of Poverty
Traverse City, MI — Your favorite local potato chip makers, Great Lakes Potato Chips, are about to have an impact in our community in a Big Way by partnering with Big Brothers Big Sisters (Bigs) to help stop the circle ...
Inc. Magazine Unveils Annual List of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies—the Inc. 5000
The Great Lakes Potato Chip Company ranks number 2,467 on the 2018 Inc. 5000 with three-year revenue growth of over two hundred twenty five percent  
Chippin’ Away With Great Lakes Potato Chip Co.
Chippin’ Away With Great Lakes Potato Chip Co. “Eddie, what happened to my blankets?” said Ed Girrbach’s mother when she noticed they were missing. Ed jokes that after he explained he’d been selling them as ponchos to his schoolmates, “mom’s ...
Making It in Northern Michigan: Great Lakes Potato Chip Co. stacks its sales growth
In Issue 2017 November, Making it in NM By Clark Miller Making It in Northern Michigan: Great Lakes Potato Chip Co. stacks its sales growth Six years ago, restaurateur Ed Girrbach was thinking about starting a new business.